Monday, September 06, 2010
Zaib e Qirtaas

Sunday, August 08, 2010
Nawishta e Deewaar
And this shirt too:
This is not clothing people. This is graffiti.
Remember, remember.
Khwarzim and Baghdad.
Right around the corner is the day when these patches will be embroidered in Brahvi, Sindhi, Pashto and Urdu.
Our fate has been sealed...
Infidel ACU patch @ US Cavalry
Pork Eating Crusader patch @ Tactical Tailor
Infidel T-shirt @ US Cavalry
Images of patches and shirt borrowed from retailer's website.
Friday, July 09, 2010
Inna lillah
Now I thank God Almighty for having been born in Pakistan where I have a slightly higher risk of having to sleep on an empty stomach then the average American, but where I can say what I deem is right and still not go to jail. Here men can wear a beard if they want and women can cover their heads with scarves if they like. Here I don't fear persecution at the hands of bigots preaching 'freedom' of sex and religion and speech and action in the media all the while killing unarmed cameramen in the name of 'Iraqi Freedom' in the battle field.
Enough said.
It's good however to see that Americans are not brainless veggies as most of us in the rough parts of the world like to believe. Well atleast not all of them are veggies. Some of them actually think! And are able to tell right from wrong! Below are actual comments on the famous Apache video leaked by Pfc. Bradley E. Manning, made by users identifying themselves as Americans*. The comments are from the Blip.tv page**.
militaryvet said:
Funny how every time we (the military) gets sent somewhere to fight it's always "for our freedom". Not so funny is the fact that when we get back home, we find that we have less freedom than when we left. In addition, I don't see anyone in any of those countries doing ANYTHING to take my freedom away...or -for that matter- any way that they could. Not to say that they may not WANT to after we've spent much time in their country.... So, when it comes to "fighting for our freedom", I can confidently that it isn't what's happening here. Don't try to whitewash what's going on with that poor excuse. It isn't true.
noneofyourbusiness said:
I was there actually. Infact the first shots fired in this engagement were fired about 10 feet in front of me from an upper window in a building to my left. Fortunatly the service member they were aimed at hit the dirt and only suffered a sprained ankle. After that we started to recieve more small arms fire and sniper fire from some of the rooftops. This all took place about 50 meters down the road from where the insurgents were shot by the apache. when we arrived at the location of the secondary ambush we recovered several AK-47s and 2 RPGs. We also discovered the two children in the van, removed them and gave them medical attention along with the survivors who had planned to kill us.Now for the van and the reporters. we have been in iraq for a long time now. these people are not stupid! when they see a group of militia walking down the street in the direction of americans they know to go inside and stay put! whenever we get struck by an IED the streets are empty! the only people around are the ones with hostile intent. that being said. we can exclude a reporter. its too bad that he died, but he knew the risks of what he was doing!so pvtdaniels... and the rest of the world, you are wrong. I do commend your outstanding morals though. This time however, you and the public, are unimformed as to the reality of the situation.
This time however, you and the public, are unimformed as to the reality of the situation.Sounds like that's the case. However, given the way our country is supposed to work, there is no reason for the people NOT to be informed about the reality of the situation. "WE" are supposed to decide, not a bunch of corrupt politicians using propaganda and slanted viewpoints to manipulate public opinion. And again, nobody in that country can do squat to take our freedom away from us. Only our "leaders" in DC can do that. Our presence there has nothing to do with "fighting for our freedom". Well, that's not quite true. Our presense there creates good excuses for taking our money -and our freedom- away from us. When you come/came back home, did you find that you had more freedom? Or less?
Image courtsey WikiLeaks and CNN.
* While there is no way to confirm/ascertain the nationality of the posters, the posters identify themselves as Americans and the nature of the 'dialogue' between the posters makes it only more plausible.
** Video/comments accessed on 9 July 2010. In case new comments are posted, you may have to scroll down to read old ones.
Palestine: Speed Sisters
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
What? And what for?
The media preach realism when it comes to policy, foriegn affairs and international relations as viewed in the context of history. The media preach idealism when it comes to entertainment and lifestyle as handed down by the show-biz.
I wonder why.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Sounds familiar?
True Christians?
Or true Muslims?
Edit (21 Sep 2014)
The web address now points to jw.org where the original article doesn't exit any more. The closest version on the new website can be found here.
You can read the original article, using Archive.org's "Wayback Machine". Try the version of the page cached on Dec 2, 2010 here.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Everybody Draw Muhammad Day
That being said, all random pieces of crap logic, demented behavior and other enlightened BS being extended to Muslims every hour of the day fall into place.
I was mortified to see Muslims debasing Jesus and Moses in retaliation to this absurd event of uncivilized, inhumane, unethical and intolerable "freedom of expression". We MUST abstain from retaliating to servants of their temporal and carnal desires by slandering Prophets of God. Please, remember: Musa (Moses), Eesa (Jesus) and Muhammad are ALL Prophets of Allah and merit our deepest and unconditional respect and love.
Please stop making poo on the road in response to all the world making poo on our lawn. We, Muslims are better than this. We are civilized. We are respectable. I suggest, you retaliate by becoming better Muslims: by not lying, by keeping your promises, by minding your language whenever you open your mouth, by respecting elders and loving young ones. Retaliate by being even more regular in your 'ibadah: prayers, alms, month long fast of Ramadan, Hajj and Jihad. And you know, Jihad is NOT synonymous with blowing your self up in a shopping mall packed with women and children or a hospital or in a college. Convince your sisters, mothers, wives and daughters to be good Muslim women and be modest. Make your children look upto Muslim heroes; by self example of course; instead of heroes borrowed from mindless slaves of desires and appetites. And then, when the time comes, join the ranks of the Promised Messiah.
We tend to forget that our lives are meaningless in the overall scheme of events. If we want to leave our mark on history, we better make a concsious effort for that. Or like I always say, our downward spiral into oblivion leads us on a one way trip to - oblivion.
And no where else.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Pakistan: The Next Generation
Active Citizens
I contributed my two cents to British Council's Pakistan: TNGR project last year. The final report was published in November.
Details of the project can be found here.
The report can be downloaded here (2.4 MB) and here. (13.61 MB)
My original response to the questions asked can be downloaded here.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Holocaust Reinvented
Below I have provided pictures I recieved from a friend in e-mail today. They narrate a bloody tale that would otherwise take tomes to expound. It is powerful; it is soul reaving; it is painful. And it merits our prompt, profound attention. These images hint at the depths to which humankind can fall with no remorse and no regrets. They tell us how we fail to learn from our collective mistakes and repeat them over and over, mercilessly and; more tormentingly; shamelessly. They point to where we're headed: spiralling downwards into oblivion.
The B & W image to the left in each image pair is a glimpse of 'Nazi' terror of the yester years; the color image to the right captures 'Ashkenazi' terror of today.

What I find devastating is the indifference, immorality and cruelty with which we transfer our madness and disease to our young, guaranteeing a continued viscious cycle of injustice, atrocity, suffering, and hateful, agitated existence. We seem content with sowing and reaping evil. And love bragging about it.
What the Nazis are touted to have done to Jews decades ago is being dispensed to Gentiles today, at the hands of Ashkenazis. An event, many serious scholars call the biggest hoax of 20th century is lamented upon, cried for and remembered. Those who question its various aspects are silenced or crucified. At the same time, genocide of a people is being conducted today and the brave members of the free world are busy golfing, clubbing, picking stocks, playing catch and having fun. And then there are others who want to curb violence with violence.
What we need to understand is that our lives as we know them are meaningless individually. That we need to focus on collective survival. That we need to tolerate each other and facilitate peaceful co-existence. It must be understood that this is not possible without bringing about change in the way we see things and the way we think.
Live and let live. Only possible when we give more and take less.
Create and favor change. Sacrifice. Your favorite side of the bed, your seat in the bus, your favborite T-shirt, food, money, time, emotion and cravings. Give more. Take less. Offer more. Ask for less. Our survival and salvation depends on it.
All images property of their respective copyright holders. Images provided by Malik Muhammad Irfan (Rise The Mag Mailing List).
Monday, February 15, 2010
Me'raaj e Insaan
Playboy has been an icon of a plethora of such parameters by which we tend to measure our canter into the future: fashion for men, style for men, gadgets for men; what and what not for men. In between the lines, it has been setting standards for human kind's morals as well or at least reflecting on them boldly. Take a look at some sisterly images captured by Playboy photographers that were immortalized by the magazine:

Frame 2. Clockwise from top left: Madeleine and Mary Collinson (October 1970), Mandy and Sandy Bentley (May 2000), Rosie and Renee Tenison (August 2002)
How sisterly.
And now Hef's 2 newest gal pals, sisters Kristina and Karissa Shannon:
Frame 3.
Frame 4.
Frame 5.
Frame 6. Bunny Factsheet
Notice how bunnies Kristina and Karissa Shannon 'pose' with their happy-go-lucky 'dad' Patrick (Frame 6, bottom middle), who is enjoying every moment of the attention his daughters attract. Of course, Mr Hefner pays Patrick's daughters well for doing human kind the favor of revealing their assets and there's a lot of young booty to devour at the Mansion parties Patrick attends with his girls. It's a win-win situation for everyone.
Proud, lucky dad.
The Bunny Factsheet tells us, Kristina and Karissa are turned on by tall, dark and handsome men who have good hygiene. They also love every day they spend at the Playboy Mansion with Hef; they're Hef's girlfriends. While their mutual boyfriend seems to turn them both on quite well, the sisters are taller than Mr Hefner (Mr Hefner is 5'9"). Hef also needs some tanning and at 89 only as handsome as any other American male his age, which generally isn't that handsome for 20 something blondes world wide (But then Scarlett Johansson has a crush on Sir Connery. It's a complicated world). And Hef's hygiene is a class of its own (read this). Even though their lover falls a little short of their turn-on standards, the Shannon twins are glued to the Mansion 24/7.
Who are Kristina and Karissa in love with then? You guessed it right. The old gentleman's tall, dark and handsome chequebook.
Today, people don't have time for what they need, don't have enough of what they want and don't know what they love. It's a screwed up world where we live in the grey zone between black and white; black scares us shitless and white is too much for us to handle. We believe we evolve, while all we do is consume more and more bottled water and MREs and become more efficient polluters of the planet. We measure our growth in terms of GDP and other similar acronyms and intimidate our foes with facts and figures while impressing our pals with graphs and pie-charts. Our bodies feed on decaffeinated, sugary junk and our egos on dot-com bubbles, economic masterpieces and status symbols. We'd rather go naked than wear fur and would rather invest in stocks than in education. We intend to conserve fossil fuel and go green but tend to make and sell and buy more and more Hummers and Escalades. We need social, religious and ethnic tolerance which sure needs high morals when we jerk off to naked siblings groping at each other's curves. And then we have dads that love to showcase their kids titties for money. Of course the kids sleep with successful, rich old men for money. You don't need a Webster's Collegiate to know its pimping and prostitution; two of history's oldest professions.
Evolution? Development? Leap into the future?
Where the hell are we headed?
As we glamorize personal freedom and march to the tune of self-centered existentialism, we must remember that we need traffic lights to regulate our roads and highways, that we need brake pedals to keep the speed in check, that we need law to fight crime.
That we need morals for us to be the champions of all life form.
Jaago. Jagaao.
All images extracted from Playboy USA (July/August 2009, except the last one, which comes from a Playboy T-shirt ad).