Friday, July 09, 2010

Inna lillah

Now I thank God Almighty for having been born in Pakistan where I have a slightly higher risk of having to sleep on an empty stomach then the average American, but where I can say what I deem is right and still not go to jail. Here men can wear a beard if they want and women can cover their heads with scarves if they like. Here I don't fear persecution at the hands of bigots preaching 'freedom' of sex and religion and speech and action in the media all the while killing unarmed cameramen in the name of 'Iraqi Freedom' in the battle field.

Enough said.

It's good however to see that Americans are not brainless veggies as most of us in the rough parts of the world like to believe. Well atleast not all of them are veggies. Some of them actually think! And are able to tell right from wrong! Below are actual comments on the famous Apache video leaked by Pfc. Bradley E. Manning, made by users identifying themselves as Americans*. The comments are from the page**.

I quote:

militaryvet said:
Funny how every time we (the military) gets sent somewhere to fight it's always "for our freedom". Not so funny is the fact that when we get back home, we find that we have less freedom than when we left. In addition, I don't see anyone in any of those countries doing ANYTHING to take my freedom away...or -for that matter- any way that they could. Not to say that they may not WANT to after we've spent much time in their country.... So, when it comes to "fighting for our freedom", I can confidently that it isn't what's happening here. Don't try to whitewash what's going on with that poor excuse. It isn't true.

noneofyourbusiness said:
I was there actually. Infact the first shots fired in this engagement were fired about 10 feet in front of me from an upper window in a building to my left. Fortunatly the service member they were aimed at hit the dirt and only suffered a sprained ankle. After that we started to recieve more small arms fire and sniper fire from some of the rooftops. This all took place about 50 meters down the road from where the insurgents were shot by the apache. when we arrived at the location of the secondary ambush we recovered several AK-47s and 2 RPGs. We also discovered the two children in the van, removed them and gave them medical attention along with the survivors who had planned to kill us.Now for the van and the reporters. we have been in iraq for a long time now. these people are not stupid! when they see a group of militia walking down the street in the direction of americans they know to go inside and stay put! whenever we get struck by an IED the streets are empty! the only people around are the ones with hostile intent. that being said. we can exclude a reporter. its too bad that he died, but he knew the risks of what he was doing!so pvtdaniels... and the rest of the world, you are wrong. I do commend your outstanding morals though. This time however, you and the public, are unimformed as to the reality of the situation.

militaryvet said:
This time however, you and the public, are unimformed as to the reality of the situation.Sounds like that's the case. However, given the way our country is supposed to work, there is no reason for the people NOT to be informed about the reality of the situation. "WE" are supposed to decide, not a bunch of corrupt politicians using propaganda and slanted viewpoints to manipulate public opinion. And again, nobody in that country can do squat to take our freedom away from us. Only our "leaders" in DC can do that. Our presence there has nothing to do with "fighting for our freedom". Well, that's not quite true. Our presense there creates good excuses for taking our money -and our freedom- away from us. When you come/came back home, did you find that you had more freedom? Or less?

End of quote.

What Americans fail to understand is that the problems they 'created' by their arrogant, capitalist policing of the world in the past 60 years*** can't be undone the way they're trying to: by arrogantly, 'capitalistly' policing the world. Americans create newer enemies by the day, and squander earth's resources fighting them, all the while killing innocent men, women and children. And then they have the cheeks to PowerPoint the world about population-resource balance. They actually win Nobels for PowerPoints on Global Warming for God's sake!

The End is near.
Inna lillah.

Americans: Go home. Leave us alone. You're not welcome on Muslim territory when you flash your brand of 'freedom' in our face. We've had enough. If its science, art or literature you want to talk about, we are friends. Else, go home and take your crappy fast-food with you. It clogs arteries and tastes bad. What you did out there shall remain in our hearts, and never be forgotten.
Muslims: Read Quran. Be good Muslims. And hold the Rope tightly!

O you who were robbed of life unjustly, rest in peace. Your blood shall not go in vain. Rest in peace, we shall meet soon.

Image courtsey WikiLeaks and CNN.


* While there is no way to confirm/ascertain the nationality of the posters, the posters identify themselves as Americans and the nature of the 'dialogue' between the posters makes it only more plausible.
** Video/comments accessed on 9 July 2010. In case new comments are posted, you may have to scroll down to read old ones.
*** 'The Muslim World', Chapter 5 of 'Sieze the Moment' by Richard Nixon says it all. The patronizing monologue reveals how America behaves around Muslims and hints on why there are suicide bombers with beards everywhere today. Please note that Islam neither preaches, nor condones indiscriminate, wanton killing. Market places, schools and hospitals are NOT battlefield for Muslims. The elderly, women and children are protected by Islamic law. Don't forget that more Muslim Pakistani civilians die every day at the hands of these suicide bombers created and brought up on American money in Pakistan than non-Muslim American soldiers die in a month (in some cases a year) in combat in Iraq.

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