Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Vision of the Visionaries

The good people who think about the nation and the country have vision. They are visionaries. They can see a few steps and can make out the direction the steps may be headed. But they can not keep track of the complete trail of the steps and can not therefore make out the final destination of the trail of the steps. It is safe to say that the vision of our visionaries is limited. This limited vision can technically be called tactical vision. 1 year in to the future, 5 years, may be 10. 15 at best. Too less for anything concrete and 'far-reaching'. What we need today is strategic vision. Decades in to the future. Many contingencies per decade. Someone who could telescope himself way in to the future and see things happening from own and enemy's perspective. That is what we need.

The second problem that blurs the vision of our visionaries is; 'schools of thought'. What happens is that a well known and reputable or even controversial western author sometimes would write a 'national best-seller' or a major 'New York Times favorite' and our visionaries will start reciting the 'wisdom' in the best-seller' and will divide into 'camps'. Schools of thought. For and against the wisdom in that epistle. It's fashionable. It's progressive. It's hip. It's chic. It's modern. It's educated.

As long as we will lack the depth and breadth of vision and originality, we will be third grade citizens of this world. A nation of colors, too much for whites. Trust me. Samuel Huntington's 'Clash of Civilizations' is a good read, but way far from reality.

It's 'Clash of Ideologies' plastered all over the wall.

Get your bearings straight.

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